"Wireless Cities — Community Context"
Thursday, Oct. 6 & Friday, Oct. 7, 2005
Location: University of Minnesota's Digital Technology Center, Minneapolis
Co-chairs: Gregory Daigle (Digital Watershed) and Brad Hokanson (U of Minnesota)

To provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas on developing and delivering community-centered content, collaborative programs and social networks over municipal wireless clouds.

This past April the City of Minneapolis released an RFP detailing a proposed public-private partnership for city-wide wireless (Wi-Fi) access. Such access would provide a benefit not just to public safety and emergency services, but also to residents, businesses, schools, and libraries. Municipal wireless is a fast growing trend internationally with over 60 cities in the U.S. considering such services.

Municipal wireless provides not only Internet access but also citizen access to e-government services, consumer access to applications such as Voice-over-IP (VoIP), and community access for bridging the digital divide and providing community-centered programs reflecting local interests and voices. Community Technology Centers and other organizations representing the arts, education and community health are just becoming aware of the new potential of municipal wireless networks. Will community accessible programs become a digital sibling to Public Access Cable and continue its tradition of access and community content?

This conference will focus on how community organizations can broaden and enrich social participation through wireless technologies. Its inherent mobility and interactivity make it more than just another channel for distributing content. Rather, it provides an opportunity to redefine the virtual social fabric of a community.

A 2-day conference co-hosted by the University of Minnesota's Digital Technology Center and Digital Watershed, a non-profit offering digital community access programming services.

Press Release for:
"Wireless Cities — Community Context" (Conference PR1.pdf)

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Postcard invitation:
"Wireless Cities ... " (Dtc_postcard2.pdf)

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The World Class Initiative

"Wireless Cities — Communities of Interests"
Apr. 16 & 17, 2007

"Wireless Cities — Community Context"
Oct. 6 & 7, 2005

Virtual Architecture
Review using 3D Engine
©2003 Benjamin R. Lindau

Legacy E-learning
Content:Science Education
design by ICONOS

See Community Services